Laminitis – Prevent Laminitis in Horses

laminitis founder

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Every year, veterinarians worldwide are called a million times because a horse has become laminitis. We don't need to consult science to know that this is one of the most painful experiences a horse can undergo. Our worlds are turned upside down! What can we do to make them better?

What causes laminitis?

Laminitis is a confronting disease. What is known is that excessive consumption of highly digestible carbohydrates, such as those found in grain or lush grass, is usually implicated in cases of laminitis.

What are the signs of laminitis?

The characteristic position of a laminitis horse with both front legs affected is to place the front legs in front of the normal position and move the hind legs forward to shift more weight onto the hind legs.

What is our aim?

At ThinLine we wondered what we can do to ensure that horses have no chance of becoming laminitis. After a survey among our horse friends and fans, everyone is aware; the addition of one grazing mask during the times of the year when the grass is “hot”. When our horses switch from hard work to resting in the pasture, or when they have become a bit too “round”, the grazing mask can ensure that our horses do not have to undergo this tragic experience.

So why don't we do it?

Why don't we just use this simple preventive measure? The answer was simple: horses don't really like the masks we use. Old-fashioned masks are like putting horses' mouths in a cage. And we all know that horses use their mouths to play, communicate and care for each other. We don't really think it's the annoyance of reduced grazing that makes them run away from the hot, heavy, clunky equipment.

So we set out to change that. After several years of work, we have developed a mask that is more like wearing a glove than a mask. Horses can play and live in the herd while remaining safe from laminitis or one of the insulin diseases that often lead to laminitis.

Help us spread the news!

Hot grass? Use a grazing mask for a few weeks. Fat bangs? Grazing mask. We don't care whether it's ours or another company's, we absolutely want the 1 million horses a year that suffer this terrible condition to be reduced to zero!

Grazing Muzzle for Horses

✓ Flexible and lightweight 
✓ Gentle for skin, teeth and lips! 
✓ UV Protection
✓ Customizable

Discover our Grazing Mask



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